Nolensville Real Estate Recap for June 2016
by Flint Adam, Nolensville resident & Realtor® Friday, July 8, 2016 [caption id="attachment_800" align="alignright" width="224"] I fear the sun... yet I'm at the beach. Go figure.[/caption] My wife gets on my case, often saying that I work too much. I guess in this instance I have to agree, as I'm writing this article from ...
Continue ReadingNolensville Weekly Real Estate Roundup: 6/6/2016
by Flint Adam, Nolensville resident & Realtor® Monday, June 6, 2016 May wrapped up on a strong note and the past week, which crossed severals into June, brought fifteen more Nolensville residential sales to the closing table. Here is your breakdown of Nolensville TN residential transactions as reported on MLS: - Total sales closed: 15 (2 Davidson Co., 1, Rutherford Co., 12 Williamson ...
Continue ReadingNolensville Weekly Real Estate Roundup: 5/31/2016
by Flint Adam, Nolensville resident & Realtor® Tuesday, May 31, 2016 I hope you enjoyed the Memorial Day holiday! This week's blog is a day late because yours truly was enjoying some sun with the family at the Bent Creek pool. Hard to believe the kids are out of school and summertime is kicking ...
Continue ReadingNolensville Weekly Real Estate Roundup: 5/23/2016
by Flint Adam, Nolensville resident & Realtor® Monday, May 23, 2016 Thirteen more Nolensville home sales closed last week in what is shaping up to be another fine month of real estate sales for our town. Here is your breakdown of Nolensville TN residential transactions as reported on MLS: - Total sales closed: 13 (3 Davidson Co., 10 Williamson ...
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